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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finnishing My Family Project

This week i threw the last of my pitcher set for the family project. I think the form of my pitchers is getting better but i still have alot of work to do. I've gotten some feedback already and i think my main goal for my pitchers is to make a more distinguished pitcher form but also find a handle style that fits the form of the pitcher but is also comfortable. My main focus for these pitchers was to make the handles comfortable to hold (well more comfortable than my last pitchers), which i think i succeeded. But the handles dont really fit the pitchers so in the future I'm going to need to spend more time working on the handles.
I think that the form of the pitcher on the left turned out better than the right but i still am not completely happy. I plan on making alot more in the future until i can accomplish a form that pleases the eye!

Just to save you the time of clicking to read the description. Read this and then watch the video.

"Isaac Button was the last true English country potter. In a day, he could turn a ton of clay into pots. When timed he threw a lump of clay on to the wheel, pulled it high, then cut it off with wire in 22 seconds. In an hour, he could turn out 120 pots. In a day, 1,200.
Isaac Button died in 1969 and his kiln, at Soil Hill, near Halifax, now lies cold and desolate.
In his day, speed was essential. Even before the packaging revolution, household pots and jugs made from clay were treated as disposables. They cost only a few pence. Craftsmen potters had to be quick to earn a living from poorly-paid villagers."

Let me know what you think!!

1 comment:

  1. the guy who posted the video on your link was named richiepoops and the other person who posted the same video was named flush2wice, must be a crappy video.

    I think you need to excentuate the form of the pitcher more(the body is more the problem than the handle). Create a negative space in the form for the handle to complete.

    Also the spouts could be wider. they seem unproportionatly small in comparison with the rest of the pot.

    looking good though!

    ps- you should whatch the whole Isaac Button movie- Flush2wice posted it.
