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Friday, December 3, 2010


I threw two forms this week with the idea of a planter in mind. I dont think that I'm going to actually make them into planters but i like practicing throwing larger and working with the techniques.
I like the shape on this one but i wish it was a little thicker because it makes me worry about it breaking. The bottom 1/4 looks a little sketch but i left alot of clay so that i could remove it from the wheel without having to worry about warping the planter. Since i left alot of clay i can just trim it all off next week and hopefully it will look good! I dont like depending on trimming to complete the shape on my pots but with things this big it just seems necessary. Hopefully this year i will be able to  throw and remove pots this big off of the wheel in one day instead of having to wait for them to dry.
This one may seem alot thicker than the other planter but i left the rim alot thicker than the other pot, hoping that it will help with the structure. When i trim this the form of the body will continue,(basically all of that clay at the bottom will be gone). When i trim these i will post more pictures!

I also threw some more cups and a lidded jar this week but i forgot to take pictures whoops!
A very beautiful form that i really want to try. I'm not sure what it is but if i was going to make something like that i would probably throw it the same...but cut a lid after it is leather hard...if that makes any sense.


  1. Were you taking a break from comfy forms? or are these suppose to be comfy planters haha.

    Good job with the size you can really throw a large amount of clay effectively

  2. haha no i am still doing the comfy cups and stuff just every other day! i still wish i didnt need so much support clay at the bottom but oh well! thanks!

  3. Jack. I still need the "Peter's Popcorn Bowl." Nice job man!
